Difference between Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning
Both Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Parti
by vinay.kumar -
7 Principles Of Testing
Testing shows presence of defects: Testing identi
by mayank.thapliyal -
Bug life cycle
Below are the state of any bug by which bug goes
by vishwanath.rana
Software Testing Types, Methodologies and Types of Software Bug
A. Software testing Methods
Software testing methods are the methodologies that describe the ways in which we can test a particular software product in order to check whether the software is developed in a correct manner to fulfil the function...
How To Fast Track Cross Browser Testing & Debugging With LambdaTest?
Software development is advancing by the minute. With a plethora of technological advances, developing software has become simplified. Every SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle) is aided with the help of debugging and testing. ...
Defect Logging & Tracking for Software Project in Bug Life Cycle
Defect Logging
It simply means a method of finding bugs in the application which is under test. In a software project , once a module is completed by a developer they first do unit testing and then they pass it on to the Qa te...
How Important is a Thorough & Ongoing Programming Software Testing Process?
It’s only natural for software startups to feel an overwhelming sense of confidence in the programs they develop, and this confidence can frequently have an impact on a startup’s commitment to engaging in thorough and frequent softwar...
Smoke Vs Sanity Testing - Advantages and Differences
Smoke and Sanity testing both are bit mystify topics in Software Testing, So in this tutorial, we will see the Difference and Advantages of both Smoke and Sanity Testing.
Smoke Testing:
It is also known as build...
What is a Business Process
Business Process is basically plethora of activities related to structural analysis which produces pioneering services for end users.
It generally represented by Flow Chart which showcase sequence of activities which focus on proc...
Technique For Performance Testing
Performance testing is complicated and Costly due to huge resource requirements and the time taking process. So performance testing require careful planning and a robust methodology. Performance testing don't have clear goal becau...
Defect Seeding
Defect Seeding :
Defect seeding is the process in which one group of the project inject the defects in the product while other group test the product to remove them. It is also know as bebugging.
It is a reliability&nbs...
CMMI Overview
CMMI integrates multiple disciplines into one process improvement framework:
System Engineering
Software Engineering
Integrated Product and Process Development
Supplier Sourcing
It supports two different representations:
Selecting Test Cases For Acceptance Testing
In Acceptance Testing we follow basic scenarios:
1. End to End functionality Verification : Test cases that include the end to end functionality of the product are taken up for acceptance testing. This ensures...
Defect Management Process
Defect management process involves following steps::
Defect Prevention
Deliverable Base lining
Defect Naming
Defect Resolution Process improvement
Management Reporting
Defect Discovery:- Identify the defects as early as possi...
Type of Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is a testing technique where the system is tested for acceptability. In this, we test that system has met the requirement specification or not. It's a validation type testing.
Various forms of Acceptance testing:
1) U...
Test Plan Template
Test plan is a document that discuss about objectives, scope, different criteria, approach, individual roles and responsibilities, schedule, risk & their mitigation, approval and item pass /fail criteria.
Test Plan Template:-
Test pl...
Evaluate QA team Performance
We know that performance of a developer is measured based on a number of defects detected in developed and quality of codes. but for tester or quality assurance team we will measure their efficiency and performance on the basis of following...
Test Release Process
Below are some points to keep in mind for Test Release Process Improvement:
1) Before starting the smoke or sanity testing on the new release, you should review the report prepared for the release of new functionality or up...
Test Cases for Web Application Cookie Testing
Test cases:
Some of the major test cases for Web Application Cookie testing are below:
1) As a Cookie privacy policy, ensure from the design documents that no private or sensitive information is getting saved in the cook...
Software Errors That Every Tester Should Know
Software Errors and Bugs:
An error is a variance from perfection or correctness. A bug is an error or fault in a product which leads to the incorrect or unexpected result.
So, the following can be concluded:
Inspection in Software Testing
Its a method of verification.The objective of inspection is to find defects in the code or product, thus improving the quality of the work.
A thorough word by word checking of a software product(or part of a product) with the intention o...
Defect Severity
Defect Severity classifies the software bug which specifies the level of negative effect on the software functionality or quality. The severity is a rule set by the tester when he creates a bug. Different companies uses different bug tracking too...
Test Designing
More than the act of testing, designing tests is one of the best bug presenters known. Test design thinking can discover and exterminate bugs at every phase of developing a product. From comprehension of product to product blueprin...
What is Defect
Defect is any flaw in the software system,when there is a difference between expected result and actual result.
Defect can be classified into three categories:
Wrong: The software does so...
Review in Software Testing
A process in which one or more more persons checks changed document or data to determine if the changes are correct.
An analysis undertaken at a specific point in time to determine the degree to which stated objectives have been met...
Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing:
Testing the applications which are developed and designed for the mobile devices is known as Mobile Application Testing. Test the application for its functionality, consistency, and usability. But, there a...
Defect Report Fundamentals
Defect Report:
Testers creates a defect report after finding the defect or bugs. Defect report is used to explain or describe the bug or issue to the developers in a clear manner so that they can easily reproduce the issue and fix it.
Localization & Internationalization
Adapting a product to local and regional market called localization.
Sometimes it is referred as l10n.
A characteristics of development and testing related to the translation of the software (product) and its cont...
Software Testing Skills
Important skills which a good software tester must have:
1. Out of the Box thinkers: Tester should be expert in design the multiple scenarios. Create the positive and negative both scenarios. He should be able to test from customer’s p...
Game Testing
Game Testing Strategy:
Evaluation of game rules:
Game rules appropriately describe the functionality of all components of the game. Game functions as defined by rules.
UI, Functional, Performance and Compatibility test:...
Cyclomatic Complexity
Cyclomatic complexity metric was firstly introduced by Thomas J. McCabe in 1976, based on control flow representation of the program.
It is used to refer the complexity of the program(source code).
It is a measure of ...
Test Case Fundamentals
Test Cases:
A test case is a kind of document, which includes the test data, preconditions, expected & actual results, etc. It is based on the test scenarios to check the results and compares it with the requirement. Test case has been cre...
Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have
Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have
1. Documentation:
Documentation is necessary to testing. Also, ensure that you see the value of the documentation process. The benefits of documentation are, it will help you to track req...
How to report a Bug
Discrepancies between the expected result and actual result called a defect or A software bug is an error or fault that leads to an system or software program behave incorrectly or unexpectedly.
How to report a Bug:
Key Challenges of Software Testing
Following are some key challenges of Software Testing:
1) Testing the complete application:
It is quite impossible to test the complete application. There are many test combinations so it’s impossible to test every combination. It wil...
Cross-Browser Testing
Cross-Browser Testing:
Testing the website or application in different browsers is known as Cross-Browser testing. Also, it ensures that your website or application's performance should be consistent without any dependencies and compromise...
Severity and Priority
It defines as the gravity of the bug on the system or application being tested.It refers the side effects of the bug on the system.
Majorly Severity can be categorized as:
Compliance Testing
Compliance Testing:
It is a type of an audit which has to be done on the system to verify if all the standards are met or not. To make sure that the compliances should meet. In some organization, compliance expert people will be establish. Thi...
What are Test scenarios, Test cases and Test scripts
Test Scenario:-
Its a high level definition and classification of the test requirement. In testing of any module's functionality it is grouped depending on same functionality.
It consist of following parameters:
Use case ID
TEST PLAN Fundamentals
A document which includes the scope, approach, resources & schedule of planned test activities. It recognized between others test items, features to be tested, testing tasks, who will do the task, degree of tester independence, ...
Software Prototyping
What Is Software Prototyping ?
Software prototyping acknowledges to the constructing software prototypes which shows the behaviour or characteristics of the expected software in the time of software development. This prototype software does no...
Software Test Managers Roles And Responsibilities
Hello Readers,
As we know that software ‘Test Manager’ is a high level person in the testing team. Test manager have a lots of roles and responsibilities in the team. Every Test manager play his/her role and responsibility thr...
Manual Tester vs Automation Tester
Manual Tester vs Automation Tester
Software Tester Role
A Software tester/analyzer (software test architect) should to be fit for designing test suites and ought to be able to understand usability bugs. Such a test...
What Is Requirement Engineering?
The methodology to collect the all requirements related the software, from the client then study all the requirements and at last documented or recorded to all these, this whole process is known as the requirement engineering.
The main aim of ...
Thread Testing
Thread Testing
Thread testing is one of the addition/incremental procedures received during System Integration Testing. That is the reason, thread testing is also known as a "thread interaction test."
This approach is used to...
Few Important Documents For Any Software Testing
There are many types of documents which are utilized at the time of any software testing. These testing documents are normally created both the time ie ahead of software testing and throughout the software testing. These testing documents are ver...
Why we perform an Audit activity when any software is buildup ?
The meaning of ‘Audit’ is a separate analysis or inspection of the new creating software or product. The main intention of the audit, is to verify that the product or software which is newly build up fulfill all the require...
Keyword Driven Testing
What Is Keyword Driven Testing ?
Keyword driven testing is a kind of software testing approach, which is normally used for the functional automation testing. Keyword driven testing is also called as the ‘table driven testing’....
Different Roles And Liabilities Of Any QA Lead
QA lead is the right one person who manage the overall quality of any product or software, which is ready to deliver to the client. QA lead assure that the software or product is ready as per the client’s requirements with high quality, bef...
Myths about Testing
There are many myths about testing. Some common myths are as follows:
1. Testing is a very easy task and can be performed by anyone: People other than the tester always think that testing is a very easy task and it can be easily performed by a...
Database Testing
Database testing: Testing done on the retrieved data by the application is called Database testing. In the database testing, we match the data, displayed to the user, with the data stored in the database.
Following factors to be kept in mind f...
Cookies Testing
Every web browser save the website small information in the form of text files known as cookies. These files are saved in the user’s hard drive by server; these saved cookies are then used later when user reopen that website again...
Basic Type of Error in Software
An error cause the correct behavior of software and affect the accuracy. It affect the expected result of application which might because of incorrect requirements implementation or because of invalid data entry by user.
Basic Type of errors :...